Jared, ED RN
Jared started at Swedish Edmonds as an ER Tech. He liked the community enough to stay while he earned his nursing degree. He was able to work weekends, while he focused on his studies during the week. "They supported me during the process," he says. "I look back on that with gratitude."

We've got a great mix of people in the ER from all walks of life.
What’s the work environment like?
I enjoy the community that we have in the ER. We’re going to work hard and we’re going to have some fun on the way. The humor that we have in the ER, being able to laugh together, is what keeps me excited about coming to work.
Do you feel supported?
Our managers are there with us. They will come in on night shift and say, hey, can we help? I can go to their door at anytime and I feel like I’m heard. They stop what they’re doing, they look at me, they talk to me and we have a real conversation.
Are there growth opportunities for you?
Opportunities exist for increased responsibility. I recently worked on a behavioral health pathway packet to streamline expectations in the ER. As time goes on, I may consider working in a charge position.